Serving memories to family and friends for over a decade...
A family run business established in August 2013, Jilanis Teahouse & Grill offers modern grill menu and authentic desserts in an eclectic, modern setting. Situated on Manchester’s renowned Curry Mile, we savoured the opportunity to share our own culinary passion for exotic, nutritious and appetising grilled food as well as a robust offering of novel desserts.
Within ten year, Jilanis has become a local favourite with widespread popularity and rave reviews. Indeed, as something of a local retreat, we’d like to think our customers can all attest to our enduring pursuit of great food and exceptional quality of service.
Jilanis also take pride in offering an unrivalled, restaurant-like dining experience for large groups or couples. Our relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere has played host to numerous birthday parties and social events and we welcome any inquiries related to such.